2017 ‘Home’ / Dutch China Days. Interview on Foshan TV Station: http://www.fstv.com.cn/546727. Newspaper http://szb.nanhaitoday.com/zjsb/html/2017-05/09/content_373146.htm. Internet blogs and reviews of the exhibition: http://gd.sina.com.cn/fs/2017-05-08/city-fs-ifyeychk7116634.shtml, http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WeASroh3hdjlK9OVLrZUNg, http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cbJrYEuOR9YWc4DOhCP1gw, http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/gf057HDOjcoFilP4i9qyow.
2016 ‘Dragon’s Alchemy’. Interview by Dehua TV at WanQi Art Centre, Dehua, China (http://www.dehua.net/wap/touch-21-343983.shtml, http://v.qq.com/boke/page/h/0/j/h0198ufk1mj.html)
2015 ‘Returning and sail-setting’. Review, interview and catalog by Art China and WanQi Art Museum, Dehua, China. (http://art.china.cn/huodong/2015-07/28/content_8110591.htm, http://art.china.cn/huodong/node_547258.htm, http://art.china.cn/huodong/2015-07/22/content_8091917.htm)
2015 ‘Returning and sail-setting’, review on Dehua.net
2013 ‘Tonen en verbergen. Over werken van Nicole Donkers’ by Philip Peters
2013 ‘Passion at Work | The truth about presentations and perceptions’, TEDx Scheveningen, NL
2013 European Patent Office, Catalog ‘Reverse Disclosure’
2012 Overheid.nl, ‘De hybride ambtenaar’, interview by Joke Otten
2012 The EURART Project Artist Talk, Roodkapje, Rotterdam, NL
2012 Gemak.org, GEMAK Magazine, review on exhibition [INSERT TITLE HERE]*
2012 GEMAK, Catalog [INSERT TITLE HERE]* by Philip Peters and Michel Dewilde
2012 Cultuurparticipatie.nl, ‘Twee werelden, één passie’ interview by Kim Bos
2012 VITRINE 15-33, Catalog by Annemieke Louwerens
2012 Eurartproject.com, ‘Collect, stack, reveal, hide’, review on exhibition by Judit Bozsan
2011 Villalarepubblica.wordpress.com, ‘Through the looking-glass’, review exhibition by Albertus Pieters
2011 Lost-painters.nl, ‘Gemak; DNA werk(t)’, review exhibition by Niek Hendriks
2011 GEMAK, Catalog ‘DNA Werk(t)’ by Stef van Bellingen, Felix Villaneuva and Alex de Vries
2011 NRC handelsblad, ‘Zomerexpo Anoniem Gekozen’, review exhibition
2011 Lost-painters.nl, ‘Zomerexpo 2011’, review exhibition by Niek Hendriks
2011 Gemeentemuseum.nl, Catalog ‘Anoniem Gekozen2011′
2011 Raqswarisala.wordpress.com, ‘Alles is liefde’, interview on ‘Al Raks Reframed’
2010 NRC Next, ‘Schilderen met het medium film’, review exhibition
2010 Lost-painters.nl, ‘Afstudeer expositie KABK Den Haag’, review exhibition by Niek Hendriks