Welcome tekst Show ‘Home’, Sino-Dutch Ceramic Art, Dutch Days South China, 7 – 17 May 2017, Guangzhou/Foshan, China Show ‘Nasty Women’, March 4 – 12, 2017, Amsterdam Show ‘connect the dots, collected thoughts’, 29 October – 29 November 2016, Studio van ‘T Wout, The Hague Show ‘Dragon’s Alchemy’, April 2016, WanQi Art Centre, Dehua, China Show ‘All Art is Political’, 4 December 2015, Gemak, The Hague First International Contemporary Ceramic Art Symposium & Show ‘Returning and sail-setting’, July 2015, Dehua, China fly the kite Member of the jury @ZomerExpo ‘Wild’ 2015, Gemeentemuseum The Hague when do you know? in case of a day FEATURED ART https://vimeo.com/235869069?loop=0 MORE VIDEOS https://vimeo.com/146965718?loop=0 MORE CERAMICS And 'three people travelling West', ceramics, 2015