Show ‘Dragon’s Alchemy’, April 2016, WanQi Art Centre, Dehua, China

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Experiments and cultural exchange in Ceramic Art at WanQi Art Centre. Three artists from the Netherlands; Nicole Donkers, Brigitte Spiegeler and Birgit Verwer were invited for a working period at the WanQi Art Centre. At the same time the famous master in Chinese painting, Master Wu, who worked for the first time on ceramics was working there. In addition a class of Prof. Qi Zhen from the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in Beijing was attending WanQi. From this starting point the work and exchange started. The artists inspired each other a lot in discovering new ways to work with ceramics and express themselves in ceramics. As a grand finale of their working period, a show in which their work is exhibited is organized. Dragon’s Alchemy is feast for everyone who loves ceramics.

这是一个以陶瓷为媒介的实验艺术展览,同时也是一个以陶瓷为纽带的跨越地域与文化的交流成果展。中央美术学院实验艺术学院大二学生在教师祁震的带领下于2016年4月初来到了德化万旗艺术中心,他们在这里开展了为期三周的陶瓷艺术考察与创作活动。在这里,师生们遇到了三位来自荷兰的艺术家,Nicole Donkers, Brigitte Spiegeler 和 Birgit Verwer。这三位艺术家也是来万旗进行以陶瓷为媒介的驻地创作。与此同时,浙江台州著名画家吴立民老先生应也万旗之邀来德化写生、创作。此时,万旗艺术中心,这个距离中国海上丝绸之路起点咫尺之遥的地方,则变成了一个以陶瓷为纽带的不同文化与不同艺术形式碰撞和交集之地。艺术家们时常在一起交流陶瓷创作经验,他们从对方的文化艺术中收获灵感,同学们也从艺术家们的创作中得到了很多启发。虽然大家在创作中都经历了失败,但是,也都收获了成功的喜悦,正所谓“千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金”。此次展览正是在这样的背景下举办的,艺术家和同学们在这里向大家展示他们在万旗艺术中心的创作成果。

17 April 2016 | 2016年4月17日