in case of a day

Video ‘In case of a day’ 2014
Short length video, 3’24” minutes
Original length video 6’13” minutes
With music by Ludovico Einaudi



have not so far to go

have not so far to go 2_1024 have not so far to go 3_1024 have not so far to go 4_1024

Video: ‘have not so far to go’, 2’22” minutes, 2013. Shown at symposium ‘Failed Architecture’ om september 28th 2013 at TodaysArt Festival (

Show ‘Lights’, 6-10 February 2013, Good Luck Garage, Rotterdam Art Week, NL


From 6 until 10 February 2013 I took part in a group exhibition which was organised as part of the Rotterdam Art week. The exhibition ‘Lights’ was shown at the Good Luck Garage Gallery.

DSCN2235 website Good luck Garage

Videoinstallation ‘Ephemera’

Nicole Donkers

Detail videoinstallation ‘Ephemera’

Nicole Donkers DSCN2438 website

Installation ‘If black is not thy’

Nicole Donkers Nicole Donkers

Details installation ‘If black is not thy’.
Photo’s by